Thursday, October 18, 2012

Warner has plenty to keep him busy at BBC London ? Sports ...

Adrian Warner, BBC London?s Olympic correspondent, is the latest sports journalist to have his job realigned following the end of the Games.

SJA member Adrian Warner?s BBC London job has been redefined

In a BBC statement yesterday, it was announced that the former Reuters and Evening Standard sports reporter will continue at the regional TV station to ?cover all legacy-related stories, including the future of the stadia, sports participation and the business stories related to the Games. He will also extend his brief to work on sports policy and sports politics stories?.

Warner?s new title is sports news correspondent, the sort of territory in which he was once an SJA Sports Journalism award-winner.

With rugby World Cups in both codes and an athletics world championships coming to London in the near future among several other international championships, plus the fate of the venues in the Olympic Park still to be settled ? Warner was reporting on the latest meeting over the stadium yesterday ? there is no shortage of material to cover.

?London is a very busy sports city, it?s big business here and Olympic legacy is an area which will keep me digging in everything from sports participation and major events to housing and jobs,? Warner said.

?We are going to keep asking all the questions about legacy for years to come. The Games are over but the story is going to run for a long time yet.?

Warner is now Tweeting @Adrian_warner


Thu Dec 6: 2012 SJA British Sports Awards. An Olympic year extravaganza at the Tower of London. Click here for more details, news of members? discounts and a booking form.

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