Monday, August 5, 2013

Ban it? Google Glass actually made me a safer driver, says app developer

The use of Google Glass specs could make driving safer than when using traditional in-car devices, according to one developer creating apps for the future-thinking device.

This week, the UK government's Department for Transport suggested the device will suffer the same fate as mobile phones and be banned from use while driving, with offenders incurring up to ?90 in fines.

While the DfT said Google Glass could be a distraction for drivers, the maker of the TeslaGlass app, said using his Google Glass Explorer Edition behind the wheel has helped his focus.

Sahas Katta told he'd stopped checking his phone while driving thanks to Google Glass notifications in his eye line and claimed the device had negated the need for a distracting satnav on the dashboard.

No distractions

He said: "Cellphones are extremely distracting in a vehicle. But I've been using Glass for about three months now and my experience so far is that I've completely stopped touching my phone ... Glass has eliminated that necessity for me."

Katta added that, while performing complex tasks like browsing the web could certainly be distracting for road users, Glass has proved to a safer solution for navigation compared with traditional sat navs.

He said: "With navigation, it's the best technology I've used to date ? there's no in-car, mounted or smartphone navigation system that can beat the experience of having Glass so far.

"With a dashboard navigation, at night it's glowing and is very distracting, and through the day it's reflective and sometimes you can't see it. With Glass on the other hand, your entire dash is completely clear, there's nothing on the windshield.

"With Glass, as you approach a turn it makes a little sound and tells you there's a turn coming up, and then once you're closer, it turns on for a second time to remind you that it's time to turn. It removes any constant distraction so you're not seeing anything on the screen."

'OK Glass: Save my life'

The developer, whose app gives drivers limited control over Tesla electric cars, says Glass has already made him a safer driver, but suggested future innovations could even save lives.

He said eye sensors rumoured to be present within the device could alert drivers if detects their eyes have been closed for too long. It's interesting stuff, but will the tech ever be given the opportunity the opportunity to flourish?


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