Monday, July 29, 2013

Got Hypocrisy? Peter Johnson Jr. Holds Anthony Weiner To Standards Not Applied To GOP Bad Boys

Ya gotta love it. Knight of Malta, Cardinal Dolan gumba, Roger Ailes' Consigliore, and Fox News host Peter Johnson Jr. (Per Colbert, a name that's three euphemisms for penis) is having a fit of the vapors about Anthony Weiner and wants more Democrats to urge him to quit the mayoral race. Yet, as far as I know, Johnson didn't have the same reaction to Republicans who got caught doing more than just sending pictures of their junk. I don't recall Johnson being outraged about the congressional candidacy of Mark Sanford who, when he was the SC governor, lied about being on a hike when, at taxpayer expense, he was visiting his Argentinean mistress. I don't think Johnson had a problem when David Vitter, after having been exposed as the diaper clad client of a Washington DC prostitute, ran for re-election to the US Senate. I don't remember if Johnson exhorted Republicans to urge these fine fellows to get out of their races. Oh, right, the two aforementioned politicians are conservative, Christian, pro-life, family values Republican men who were saved by Jesus. Right...

On yesterday's Fox & Friends, the Weiner bashing segment began with video of Weiner speaking about how he's going forward with his campaign. While other networks had some polling data from after Weiner's presser, which showed a steep decline in his numbers, the Fox & Friends data was older and showed Weiner in the lead - a fact that elicited a "wow" from Brain Brian Kilmeade who asked why more Democrats aren't calling for him to quit. He asked Johnson if he was surprised that there isn't more outrage. Johnson, who noted that he is supporting the candidacy of Bill Thompson, said that he wasn't surprised.

Johnson pontificated: "It's not private conduct, it's public conduct. We know what politicians do in public they get up and make pronouncements and give speeches. What we should be concerned about is what they're doing in private." He spoke about how mayors need to make important decisions. After asking "is that person worthy of our trust" because Weiner has become a joke, he said, the answer is "absolutely not."

Brain Kilmeade could barely contain his anger as he snarled "what does it say about New York" if the present Weiner polls stay in place. Johnson described politics as a "craven sport" in which leaders "are more concerned about winning elections than setting a tone for the electorate and the public. Johnson seemed to almost take pleasure in citing Weiner's "infidelity" and "perverted behavior." He then said - wait for it- "If you can't be loyal to the person that you pledge your entire life to, how can you be loyal to a principal, or oath of office, or to an anonymous public who are pulling the levers to elect you." He described it as a "sick, diabolical situation."

So did Johnson hold Sanford and Vitter to the same "loyalty" standards? And if not, is this a classic case of different strokes for different folks. (Pun intended!) I report, you decide.


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