Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Damon: 'I spend my life trying to be like Brad Pitt'


45 minutes ago

Bad news for the residents of New York City: After many years of making it his home, Matt Damon is packing up and moving his family to Los Angeles. But the TODAY anchors wanted to see if they could entice him to stick around a little longer when he visited on Tuesday, even suggesting he'd be a great mayoral candidate.

"Basically all of our friends with little kids are out there," said Damon. "We're a little conflicted. We love it here, we're really happy here and New York will always be here. It might just turn out to be a little jaunt out there and then a return.... It's hard to leave here."

Later on, however, he got down to business with Lauer and discussed his new sci-fi action film, "Elysium," which was directed by "District 9's" Neill Blomkamp. It takes place in a futuristic world where Earth is a third-world country and the "haves" live on a rotating space station called Elysium, but while it has "cool resonant themes," said Damon, it's not meant to rabble-rouse.

"Neill, the director, would just go crazy if he thought anybody was saying it was a 'call to action,'" he said. "All he really wants to do is make up the most entertaining ... sci-fi movie that he can."

One last matter: Lauer brought up an interview in which Damon suggested that his frequent co-star Brad Pitt was actually envious of him. Damon explained the envy actually came the facrt that he could walk with his kids in New York and not be assailed by photographers, unlike Pitt.

"What else would it be?" laughed Damon. "I spend my life trying to be like Brad Pitt."

Elysium opens in theaters on Aug. 9.


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Fire crews said they don?t believe church gym fire was suspicious

Church gym fire

OKLAHOMA CITY ? A late night fire Monday damaged the gym of a metro church.

Residents in the neighborhood of the old Dunlap Church on S.W. 55th St. and May Ave. called authorities at about 11:30 p.m. after seeing flames shooting from the window.

Firefighters were able to quickly put out the blaze. ?Church gym fire truck

Authorities said because they had to force their way inside, investigators don?t believe the fire is suspicious.

No on was inside the gym when the fire started.



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How Equity Crowdfunding Could Revolutionize Investing

by Matthew Milner, Investment U Research
Tuesday, July 30, 2013: Issue #2088

For years, only wealthy investors have had the right to invest in high-growth companies at their earliest stages. In one of the boldest changes to U.S. securities laws in nearly 100 years, the SEC is about to give the rest of us the same opportunity. The revolution is called equity crowdfunding.

The narrative around crowdfunding began in 2008 over a beer ? in fact, $300 million worth of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Pabst had put itself up for sale for $300 million, and just for kicks, a savvy Internet guy named Mike Migliozzi launched a website to see if he could entice enough people to make small financial commitments to buy the company.

Mike?s stunt to fund the investment from a huge crowd of individuals was working well ? until it stopped working at all. After Mike received commitments for more than $200 million, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shut him down. The problem? The investors writing checks were just regular folks, not the high-net-worth individuals called ?accredited investors? that the SEC allows to invest in such private deals.

Frustrated by the SEC?s stance, a group of citizens took shape and began hatching plans. They reasoned that, as long as each individual was committing only a small amount ? as little as, say, $25 or $100 ? everyone should have the right to invest in companies they liked or thought would grow in value. These citizens decided to pay a visit to our lawmakers in Washington, D.C. and make some noise.

Kicking It up a Notch

Web platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo use what?s called ?donation based? or ?rewards based? crowdfunding to allow citizens to fund artistic or charitable projects ? everything from civic projects and social causes to quirky films, dance festivals, games and gadgets.

In return for a cash contribution, the supporter might receive a T-shirt, a sticker or a ticket to a concert. Other sites use what?s called the pre-purchase model: In return for funding a small portion of an entrepreneur?s business, the supporter receives the entrepreneur?s product ? whether it?s a cool new watch, a pair of shoes or an organic food item.

Crowdfunding is turning into a huge business. Research firm Massolution reported that in 2012, 308 crowdfunding platforms across the world raised $2.7 billion. Many predict that the market will reach $5 billion or more in 2013. And since no stock or financial securities change hands with donation-based or rewards-based crowdfunding, and since there?s no expectation of a financial return, the SEC considers this activity perfectly legal.

? And All I Got Was This T-Shirt

But isn?t it kind of a bummer that some of these companies will go on to make millions of dollars, and all you got was a T-shirt or some dried apricots? While startups can be a risky investment, some of them become extremely successful.

Instagram and Tumblr are just a couple of examples of young companies that were acquired for hundreds of millions, even billions, of dollars, making their earliest investors fantastically rich.

Wealthy individuals, often called ?angel investors,? have been investing in private companies like these for years. Now, thanks to a vocal group of citizens, ordinary people will be able to invest a small and affordable amount of money in companies they believe in, and in exchange, receive an ownership stake.

This revolutionary change is called equity crowdfunding, and hundreds of websites called ?funding portals? ? sites like CircleUp and RockThePost, to name two ? are popping up to help match startup companies with potential investors like you.

The Rise of the Rest

How big could the market be when all of us have the right to invest? In a recent article in The Huffington Post, Kevin Lawton, author of The Crowdfunding Revolution, postulates that crowdfunding could be a global market worth hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars.

?Think about the implications of shifting just 1% of long-term investments to small business via crowdfunding,? he wrote. ?In American alone, that would create a $300 billion market for crowdfunding (10 times the venture capital invested in all of 2011).?

The Legalese

Here are the SEC?s soon-to-be-finalized parameters for the sale of private securities on equity crowdfunding platforms:

  • In any 12-month period, a startup may raise up to $1 million from an unlimited number of investors.
  • If an investor has less than $100,000 of annual income or net worth, they may invest $2,000, or 5% of their annual income or net worth, whichever is greater.
  • If an investor has more than $100,000 of annual income or net worth, they may invest 10% of their annual income or net worth, whichever is less.
  • Certain companies are not eligible for equity crowdfunding ? for example, public companies and companies that have acted badly in the past.
  • ?Crowdfunding portals? are companies that match startups with investors online. It?s expected that there will be hundreds of them, and all must register with the SEC.
  • The funding portals have strict requirements in place to protect their investors.

To prevent fraud, startups must disclose information including its business plan, tax returns, financials, and background checks.

Buzz Getting Louder

The buzz for equity crowdfunding keeps getting louder and louder ? and if cues from popular culture are any indication, interest in startup investing is hitting a fever pitch.

Shark Tank, for example, recently became America?s most popular TV show on Friday nights. It features investors who hear pitches from aspiring entrepreneurs seeking investment dollars for their business or product.
Meanwhile, Forbes recently reported that LinkedIn, the social network for professionals, has a new group called ?CrowdSourcing and CrowdFunding? with more than 19,000 members.

As Deborah Jacobs, the author of the Forbes article, noted, ?It is impressive that a concept barely in the investor lexicon two years ago has captured the imagination and attention of so many.?

Skeptical? You have every right to be. But keep in mind that before the emergence of online brokerage platforms like E-Trade, plenty of smart people thought average citizens would never go online to trade and invest in stocks. E-Trade?s annual revenues today? More than $2 billion.

Good Investing,

Matthew Milner, Co-founder of Crowdability

P.S. Google?s earliest investors made over 3,000% on their money in only five years. If you?d like the chance to discover the next Google, sign up for Crowdability today for your free weekly digest of all equity crowdfunding deals from around the Web. To get the full details, click here.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Trumpeter is old reliable for military services

Chuck Kirkwood, 84, of Barron, Wis., performs July 17 at a nursing home in Barron. Kirkwood has played taps at area military funeral services for about 70 years and has no plans to stop. (AP Photo (Chuck Rupnow / Eau Claire Leader-Telegram / AP)

By Chuck Rupnow
The Leader-Telegram via AP

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Monday, July 29, 2013

5 List Building Opt In Opportunities You Must Have On Your Blog ...

?Introducing Caylie Price of Better Business Better Life

Caylie developed a product inspired by the Ultimate Blog Challenge and is now teaching other bloggers and business owners the benefits and how to?s of hosting their own challenge.?


Today she?s sharing the benefits of having a mailing list. You all know that I totally believe that all business bloggers should have a list.?

Better Business Better Life Opt In Box

Two years ago the catch cry of internet gurus was ?the money is in the list.? Although you don?t hear the hysteria now as you did previously there?s still a lot of truth in the cry.

PJ Van Hulle, founder of List-A-Palooza and internet marketing extraordinaire says:

?A good rule of thumb for monetizing your list is to shoot for $1 per subscriber, per month. So if your goal is to generate $10,000 per month in income, focus on growing your e-mail list to 10,000 subscribers.?

What makes a mailing list so valuable?

As Jess Van Den of Create & Thrive says ?People can forget to check twitter, they can ignore Facebook, they can bypass your blog and leave their Pinterest account to languish ? but they will never stop checking their email.?

So if your mailing list is top dog; top of the heap; super critical to your blog and business you?d better get people subscribing to it. The best way to achieve that? Make it easy and ask at the right times!

Following are five list building opportunities you must have on your blog:

The Side Bar

Perhaps the most traditional place to put an opt in box is at the top of the sidebar. It is very visible above the fold and likely to attract attention.

Landing Pages

Brian Clark from Copyblogger explains landing pages as ?any page on a (blog) where traffic is sent specifically to prompt a certain action or result. Think of a golf course? a landing page is the putting green that you drive the ball (prospect) to.?

Your landing page should be minimalistic in design and offer an extremely focused message. The aim is to have your visitor opt in, not become distracted by competing features. Many templates exist for building landing pages but don?t assume you need anything fancy to have a high conversion rate.

Blogging For Beginners Landing Page

For example, the one image plus opt in box landing page I use for my Blogging For Beginners audio recording has a conversion rate of 40.8%. I?ve also edited the image with PicMonkey to create more landing pages for different opt in incentives.

A Hello Bar

A Hello Bar runs across the top of your blog and can be used to promote your opt in incentive. Less intrusive than a pop up box but still noticeable, readers who are keen to take action and opt in to your offer will. Everyone else can continue their ?experience? unobstructed.

The best thing about the Hello Bar is it?s a super easy way to A/B test your list building. You can set it up to display two or more different messages and see which gets the best response. You can then tell Hello Bar, in two clicks, to display only the best converting message.

To set up the Hello Bar on your blog try this tutorial for step by step instructions.

Your About Page

Did you know that your about page usually receives the second highest number of visitors compared with all the other pages and posts on your blog? Given that?s where the traffic is you should absolutely add an opt in box to your about page.

Beneath Posts

If someone has read to the end of your post it?s a good indication they found your content entertaining, educational or informative making it the perfect time to invite them to subscribe. Magic Action Box will help you achieve a basic opt in box for free which is perfect when starting your business; you can always choose to upgrade later.

Take Action

You?ve just learned five opportunities to increase the value and income of your blog. What?s not to love? Here?s the thing though ? if you don?t implement you won?t enjoy the rewards.

So it?s time for you to commit.

Tell me in the comments when you will have the five opt in opportunities set up by.

Let?s build your list starting now!

This Post is a Guest Post By Caylie Price:

caylie price

Caylie Price, owner of Better Business Better Life , is currently working her way around the interwebs with her 21 day Blogging For Growth tour. She is also co-author of How To Host A Swingin? Blog Challenge. Download the first chapter FREE to learn more.

Series Navigation<< [Infographic] How to Transfer Your Blog to WordPress


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Got Hypocrisy? Peter Johnson Jr. Holds Anthony Weiner To Standards Not Applied To GOP Bad Boys

Ya gotta love it. Knight of Malta, Cardinal Dolan gumba, Roger Ailes' Consigliore, and Fox News host Peter Johnson Jr. (Per Colbert, a name that's three euphemisms for penis) is having a fit of the vapors about Anthony Weiner and wants more Democrats to urge him to quit the mayoral race. Yet, as far as I know, Johnson didn't have the same reaction to Republicans who got caught doing more than just sending pictures of their junk. I don't recall Johnson being outraged about the congressional candidacy of Mark Sanford who, when he was the SC governor, lied about being on a hike when, at taxpayer expense, he was visiting his Argentinean mistress. I don't think Johnson had a problem when David Vitter, after having been exposed as the diaper clad client of a Washington DC prostitute, ran for re-election to the US Senate. I don't remember if Johnson exhorted Republicans to urge these fine fellows to get out of their races. Oh, right, the two aforementioned politicians are conservative, Christian, pro-life, family values Republican men who were saved by Jesus. Right...

On yesterday's Fox & Friends, the Weiner bashing segment began with video of Weiner speaking about how he's going forward with his campaign. While other networks had some polling data from after Weiner's presser, which showed a steep decline in his numbers, the Fox & Friends data was older and showed Weiner in the lead - a fact that elicited a "wow" from Brain Brian Kilmeade who asked why more Democrats aren't calling for him to quit. He asked Johnson if he was surprised that there isn't more outrage. Johnson, who noted that he is supporting the candidacy of Bill Thompson, said that he wasn't surprised.

Johnson pontificated: "It's not private conduct, it's public conduct. We know what politicians do in public they get up and make pronouncements and give speeches. What we should be concerned about is what they're doing in private." He spoke about how mayors need to make important decisions. After asking "is that person worthy of our trust" because Weiner has become a joke, he said, the answer is "absolutely not."

Brain Kilmeade could barely contain his anger as he snarled "what does it say about New York" if the present Weiner polls stay in place. Johnson described politics as a "craven sport" in which leaders "are more concerned about winning elections than setting a tone for the electorate and the public. Johnson seemed to almost take pleasure in citing Weiner's "infidelity" and "perverted behavior." He then said - wait for it- "If you can't be loyal to the person that you pledge your entire life to, how can you be loyal to a principal, or oath of office, or to an anonymous public who are pulling the levers to elect you." He described it as a "sick, diabolical situation."

So did Johnson hold Sanford and Vitter to the same "loyalty" standards? And if not, is this a classic case of different strokes for different folks. (Pun intended!) I report, you decide.


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Celebs tackle London Triathlon

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Saturday, July 27, 2013
Mel C takes part in the Virgin Active London Triathlon (rb create/PA Wire) ...


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

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[iPhone] Unlock or Jailbreak Iphone 3G Advice

Hi guys,

I'm not the most tech savvy guy out there, althoough I have spent hours looking for a solution to this problem online before discovering your forum.

In short, my Galaxy s3 went for a swim the other day. It's goosed, but that's not the problem!

My wife's sister gave me her old Iphone 3G (A1241) to use in the interim. She was on the O2 network (as am I), but when I put my SIM in the phone it says insert a valid SIM with no PIN lock to activate iphone. It's at the can only make emergeny calls stage.

Can anyone advise me on how I can use this phone? Or point me in the direction of how to unlock/jailbreak it? If that's whats required.

I even called a phone unlocking store, but she told me it would be stuck on an old version and I wouldn't be able to use many apps etc... I'm assuming she meant I would be stuck on some old firmware...

Any help/advice gratefully received! Many thanks in advance.




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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lady Gaga Unveils Artwork For New Single From 'ARTPOP'

Lady Gaga Unveils Artwork For New Single From 'ARTPOP' ' }); }); }(jQuery)); Posted: ??|??Updated: 07/27/2013 4:28 pm EDT Get Entertainment Newsletters:

Lady Gaga is working hard to drum up excitement for her new material after months out of the spotlight. The singer's latest move finds her unveiling the artwork for her new single, which will serve as the first release from the upcoming album "ARTPOP."

Gaga tweeted the image, which features her sitting nude on a very technological chair:

The singer will release the song Aug. 19, followed by a live debut on Aug. 25 during a performance on the MTV Video Music Awards. In the meantime, much speculation is being tossed about in regard to what Gaga's comeback will have in store. Tara Savelo, the "Born This Way" star's makeup artist, recently took to her Little Monsters site to post a photo entitled "Applause," sparking questions as to whether that will be the title of the song.

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    Dewan-Tatum juggling new TV show and baby

    BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) ? Jenna Dewan-Tatum is juggling a new TV series and a new baby while getting little sleep like a lot of working moms.

    The actress said her husband, actor Channing Tatum, visits the Vancouver, British Columbia, location of her Lifetime series "Witches of East End" to help out with the baby. The show debuts this fall.

    Everly Tatum was born May 31 in London, where her father was filming the movie "Jupiter Ascending." Dewan-Tatum said the couple has a rule about not going more than two or three weeks without seeing each other.

    "We don't break it," she said. "Channing has been amazing. He's working at the same time, but we prepared for it."

    "Witches of East End" has a female-centric cast, including Julia Ormond, and Dewan-Tatum said she's getting plenty of support. She said she is breastfeeding and producers have been flexible with her schedule.

    "It's been quite nice to go and be creative and ignite that part of myself," she said. "I believe it's going to make me a better mother."

    If there was one supernatural ability Dewan-Tatum could have, she said, "I'd like to snap my fingers and be able to sleep. As a new mom I'm a little sleep deprived right now."

    The actress is doing an upcoming magazine cover shoot that will show off her post-baby body.

    "The day I went into labor I had gone for an hour and a half walk, so I just kind of bounced back," she said. "I'm lucky."


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    Egypt accuses ousted president in 2011 jailbreak

    CAIRO (AP) ? Called out by the army, the largest crowds in 2 1/2 years of upheaval filled Egypt's streets Friday, while ousted President Mohammed was formally placed under investigation on a host of allegations including murder and conspiracy with the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

    Morsi's supporters also turned out, but in vastly smaller numbers, showing no signs of backing down. The demonstrations in Cairo remained mostly peaceful into the night, but five people were killed and two dozen injured in the city of Alexandria, officials said.

    Late Friday night, police fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of Morsi supporters in Cairo ? a possible sign of a new intolerance for marches that block city streets.

    The announcement by prosecutors of the investigation against Morsi, which is likely to pave the way to a formal indictment and eventually a trial, was the first word on his legal status since he was deposed by the military July 3. Since then, the Islamist leader has been held incommunicado in a secret location.

    Both sides tried to show how much public support they enjoy. But the millions who turned out for the pro-army demonstrations overwhelmed the streets in multiple cities in Egypt, including some that rarely seen any rallies since the 2011 uprising.

    Throngs of people turned out in Cairo's Tahrir Square and in other cities, answering a call by army chief Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who urged them to give him a mandate to stop "potential terrorism" by supporters of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood.

    Portraits of the smiling el-Sissi in sunglasses dominated the crowd in Tahrir and one near the presidential palace across town. Posters with his picture were emblazoned with the words "the love of the people," and demonstrators wore small photos of him around their necks or carried a picture of his face on an Egyptian one-pound note.

    Security was heavy after el-Sissi vowed to protect the rallies from attacks by rivals. Tanks guarded one entrance to Tahrir and police were stationed at other parts.

    "The army is here to protect the people. They don't lie," said Ezzat Fahmi, a 38-year-old in the crowd. He said el-Sissi called the rallies "so the entire world can see that the Egyptian people don't want the Brotherhood anymore."

    El-Sissi's plea came at a time where the political standoff with Morsi's supporters showed no sign of resolution. It raised speculation that he may be planning a crackdown on the toppled president's allies, who have held a sit-in outside the Rabaa al-Adawiyah Mosque in Cairo and near daily rallies elsewhere in the capital for three weeks.

    The rallies have often turned violent, with more than 180 people killed this month. The Morsi supporters and opponents blame each other for the bloodshed, and people in both camps have been seen carrying weapons.

    The unrest, as well as claims that Islamist groups are stockpiling weapons and escalating attacks against troops in the Sinai, were used by the country's new military-backed rulers as a basis for demanding popular support.

    The interim leader, Adly Mansour, told the private TV station al-Hayat that his government seeks to include everyone, but it will not accept lawlessness, blocked roads and attacks on state institutions. He urged the pro-Morsi protesters to go home, promising they won't be pursued or arrested.

    "I can't negotiate with whoever has committed a crime. But those who were duped or those who want to belong to Egyptian society, we welcome them," he said. But he added: "The state must interfere (against lawlessness) firmly."

    Not long after the speech, police moved in quickly to break up a crowd of Morsi supporters marching on a main overpass in Cairo.

    Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim told a private TV station that the sit-in at the Rabaa mosque will be removed by legal means. He did not elaborate but said residents of the area have filed police reports against the encampment.

    El-Sissi deposed Morsi after four days of huge protests by millions of Egyptians demanding the removal of the country's first freely elected president following months of disagreements between him and the largely secular opposition.

    The accusations against Morsi are connected to a prison break during the 2011 uprising against autocrat Hosni Mubarak. Gunmen attacked the Wadi el-Natroun prison northwest of Cairo, freeing inmates, including Morsi and about 30 other figures from the Muslim Brotherhood. The prosecutors allege Morsi and the Brotherhood worked with Hamas to carry out the break, in which 14 guards were killed.

    Egypt's MENA news agency said Morsi was being investigated over allegations of collaborating with Hamas "to carry out anti-state acts, attacking police stations and army officers and storming prisons, setting fire to one prison and enabling inmates to flee, including himself, as well as premeditated killing of officers, soldiers and prisoners."

    In recent months, a court in the Suez Canal city of Ismailia has heard testimony from prison officials and intelligence officers indicating Morsi and his Brotherhood colleagues were freed when gunmen led by Hamas operatives stormed the prison.

    Morsi supporters called the investigation politically motivated. Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Ahmed Aref said the move showed "the complete bankruptcy of the leaders of the bloody coup."

    Brotherhood officials have said they escaped when local residents broke into the prison to free their relatives and that they had no knowledge of it ahead of time.

    Hamas has consistently denied any involvement in the jailbreak. A spokesman for the militant group, Sami Abu Zuhri, condemned Morsi's detention order as "an attempt to drag Hamas into the Egyptian conflict."

    U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki expressed deep concern about reports of Morsi's detention.

    "I can't speak to the specific charges. But we do believe that it is important that there be a process to work toward his release," she said. "Clearly, this process should respect the personal security of him and take into account the volatile political situation in Egypt and that's where our focus is. We have conveyed publicly and privately that his personal security and treatment is of utmost importance."

    MENA said Morsi has now been formally detained for 15 days pending the completion of the investigation. It did not say whether he would now be moved to a facility where he could receive family visits.

    The head of the prison authority, Maj. Gen. Mostafa Baz, said he has not yet received orders for Morsi's transfer to any of his facilities. The news agency indicated that Morsi has already been interrogated.

    Egyptian institutions lined up behind el-Sissi's call for Friday's pro-military rallies, reflecting the extent of antagonism against the Brotherhood's hold on power in the past year.

    State TV and most of the private broadcasters showed the pro-army rallies in various cities around Egypt, including aerial footage provided by military helicopters. Nationalist songs and parts of el-Sissi's speech in which he called for support were played throughout the day.

    On Friday evening, TV networks stopped running soap operas that are wildly popular during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In a further show of support, church bells rang out during evening prayers when hundreds of thousands of protesters broke their Ramadan fasts. Interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Belbawi participated in the rally held outside the presidential palace.

    A giant banner stretched across an entrance to Tahrir Square, the cradle of the 2011 uprising. It read: "The people, the source of all power, mandate the army and police to purge terrorism."

    Three tanks guarded another street leading into the square, and helicopters swooped overhead.

    "We have no parliament. Today is a quick referendum to support el-Sissi against the Brotherhood, whose members are terrorists," said Mohammed el-Shaer, who stood in Tahrir holding a portrait of the general in a golden frame. El-Shaer held the hand of his 10-year-old daughter, who was dressed in a military fatigues.

    He called the rally a "popular referendum" on el-Sissi.

    In eastern Cairo, tens of thousands of Morsi supporters at the Rabaa mosque sit-in chanted against el-Sissi and vowed to continue their push for the president's reinstatement. Others marched through some neighborhoods of Cairo.

    Their rallies were mostly covered on TV by Al-Jazeera Mubasher Misr, and pro-Morsi activists emailed journalists videos and links to a live feed.

    "When I first heard el-Sissi's call I was anxious," said 39-year-old Sayed el-Rawi, protesting outside the mosque. "But today, we saw that his speech encouraged more people to go down in the streets. ... They won't be able to break up the sit in."

    The rival demonstrations are only deepening the country's divisions since Morsi's fall.

    Clashes and fistfights broke out between both camps in Alexandria, with five people killed and 24 injured, according to health official Ibrahim el-Roubi. Skirmishes also broke out in the Mediterranean coastal city of Damietta and a Cairo neighborhood that left 18 injured, Health Ministry spokesman Khaled el-Khateeb said.

    It remains unclear what steps the military is planning after Friday's show of strength ? whether it would try to break up sit-ins by Morsi supporters or attempt to arrest more than a dozen Brotherhood figures who have warrants against them.

    On the front page of the state-owned Al-Akhbar newspaper, the word "wanted" in English was plastered across photos of a number of Brotherhood leaders and allies who are facing warrants. Many of them are believed to be taking refuge at the Rabaa al-Adawiyah sit-in.

    The prosecutors' announcement on Morsi also could signal a greater move to go after the Brotherhood in courts. Besides Morsi, five other senior figures from the group have been detained.

    Hassan Mohammed, a 30-year old teacher who came from southern Egypt to join the pro-Morsi rally, remained steadfast.

    "Even if we are going to die, me and my family, we won't leave this place before our president comes back. Even if it takes seven years. We are ready to be martyrs in the name of religion and the nation," he said.


    Associated Press writers Hamza Hendawi in Cairo and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Gaza City, Gaza Strip contributed to this report.


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    Friday, July 19, 2013

    This is the Modem World: We know too much

    Each week Joshua Fruhlinger contributes This is the Modem World, a column dedicated to exploring the culture of consumer technology.

    DNP This is the Modem World TKTKTK

    I was enjoying a post-wedding celebration in Los Angeles' Little Tokyo just a few days ago, late-night ramen that turned into later-night karaoke until we were kicked out of the place around 4 AM. A good night, to be sure.

    As I was collecting my things, I checked my iPhone for the best route home -- I am perpetually lost in Los Angeles as it's a city that has no compass. It suggested a jaunt through Hollywood and on to La Cienega. In an effort to keep myself from sounding like an episode of SNL's "The Californians," I'll leave it at that.

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    Thursday, July 18, 2013

    Netflix proves it's a player with 14 Emmy nods


    5 hours ago

    "House of Cards" received 14 Emmy nominations Thursday.

    Melinda Sue Gordon / AP

    Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey were both nominated for their roles on "House of Cards," which also received an Emmy nod for outstanding drama.

    Don't be surprised if on Emmy night, you hear a first: "The red envelope, please."

    No longer just a service that delivers DVDs in nifty packaging, Netflix proved it's a ground breaking television force on Thursday when the Internet streaming service scored a whopping 14 Emmy nominations. Netflix broke into all of the major drama categories, and stole the spotlight not just from broadcast network stalwarts, but from the traditional medium of television itself.

    The service, which kickstarted its original programming model this year, earned nine nominations for the David Fincher-directed "House of Cards," three nominations for its "Arrested Development" reboot; and two nods for the critically-panned "Hemlock Grove." "House of Cards" stands against formidable foes: last year's winner "Homeland," "Breaking Bad," "Mad Men," "Game of Thrones" and "Downton Abbey."

    "We think it?s very validating for Internet television?television is not defined by how it gets to the screen," chief content officer Ted Sarandos said in an interview Thursday, shortly after the nominations were announced. "It?s defined by what?s on the screen. And we?re thrilled that Emmy voters were open to our format and saw our programming on the same par with the best of cable and broadcast and premium television. It?s a vindication for new media, for the Internet and Internet television, for creative freedom, and for the use of technology to advance entertainment."

    The way the audience can access shows on Netflix is not the only factor distinguishing it from the rest of television. Instead of producing a test pilot and screening it in front of test audiences, the company gathers big data from subscriber preferences to determine its programming choices. Netflix noticed its subscribers loved the original BBC series "House of Cards," loved movies that starred Kevin Spacey, were huge fans of films directed by David Fincher and voila, Netflix moved ahead with a $100 million, 26-episode order.

    The process has drawn criticism from the creative community and media who argue that art has given way to data-crunching. On Thursday, Sarandos said the data that led to his decision to make the show has nothing to do with how the show turned out. Its stars, Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, also received lead dramatic actor nominations.

    "I don?t think it?s even possible to reverse-engineer a great television show," Sarandos said. "What we were able to do was use our data and our numbers to better value the show and be able to predict that it would be very popular with consumers. There hasn?t been a popular show set in politics since ?The West Wing,? and that's because somebody made a decision that they wouldn?t be popular. But, in this case, the data showed there would be room for a show like that and that it was less about politics more about corruption and power and greed and sex and all the things that people really love. 'House of Cards' is an example of picking a great content creator and a great piece of material and getting out of their way."

    Spacey, who has won two Oscars, said in a statement that he is grateful for the faith Netflix gambled and allowed the team to create a series over time instead of going through the traditional pilot process.

    "They have been fantastic partners and I am delighted that--despite being the new kids on the block--we have broken through in such a competitive field of outstanding work," he said. "I am honored the Academy has been so generous in their recognition."

    "Cards" isn't the only success of Netflix's morning. Although "Arrested Development," which won an Emmy for outstanding comedy in 2004, did not crack the outstanding comedy race as many pundits had predicted, actor Jason Bateman was nominated for lead role in a comedy and the show received two other nominations: single-camera picture editing for a comedy series and music composition for a series. To the industry, it is all reminiscent of the era when premium cable network HBO emerged as a contender against the broadcast networks.

    "When we announced we were going to do 'House of Cards,' it became serious for everybody," Sarandos said. "We had some of the best actors, writers and director in the business working on television for the first time, and I think that's why we are a destination for most great shows today. We're proud to be able to create programming that's competitive with people who have been doing it their whole lives."


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    The University of Nebraska unveiled the installation of new FieldTurf at Memorial Stadium on Wednesday The new playing surface ...

    SbB LIVE FROM LA (Jul 18, 2013 @ 7:36am ET)

    9:00 PM: NBC golf analyst Johnny Miller believes Rory McIlroy's recent slump is due to his relationship with Caroline Wozniacki: "I think he's in love for the first time. It's a wonderful feeling, and it's distracting." McIlroy had previously dated Holly Sweeney before meeting Wozniacki.

    8:45 PM: When asked Wednesday about which player he would choose first to build an NFL team around, Bill Parcells answered Lawrence Taylor: "Because I know he's going to be there every Sunday and try his best to win, for sure."

    8:30 PM: KJR radio's Kevin Shockey reports that the Seattle Seahawks have sold out all training camp tickets for fans to attend practices held on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays.

    8:15 PM: The Pittsburgh Penguins have chosen a site in suburban Cranberry Township to build a new $70 million practice rink & sports performance center. The UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex is scheduled to be completed by July 2015.

    8:00 PM: The Southland Conference-bound New Orleans Privateers unveiled their new logo on Wednesday. For comparison, here's UNO's previous logo.

    7:45 PM: An eagle that crash-landed at Duluth's airport in May during a mid-air flight with another eagle was found dead Monday, ensnared in a fishing line on the St. Louis River.

    7:30 PM: Meskerem Legesse, an Ethiopian Olympic runner who was living in Connecticut, died Monday from a massive heart attack at the age of 26. Legesse was eight months pregnant at the time of the heart attack, but doctors were able to deliver her baby girl.

    7:15 PM: Former Kentucky basketball player Ryan Harrow has received a waiver from the NCAA allowing him to play immediately for Georgia State this season.

    7:00 PM: Texas Longhorns football coach Mack Brown tweets that former defensive coordinator Greg Robinson is back on his staff as a football analyst. Robinson had served as Syracuse head coach & Michigan DC before returning.

    6:45 PM: Former Atlanta Hawks center Zaza Pachulia has re-signed with the Milwaukee Bucks, where Pachulia played during the 2004-05 NBA season.

    6:30 PM: Minnesota Twins president Dave St. Peter said he's a "little nervous" about conditions at Target Field following a Kenny Chesney concert at the ballpark last Friday. The Twins' next home game is this Friday against the Cleveland Indians.

    6:15 PM: An 11-month-old girl in Homewood, Alabama died after being left in a locked SUV for three hours on a hot day Wednesday. Authorities say temperatures inside the SUV reached over 120 degrees.

    6:00 PM: Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee Bill Parcells says about Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones: "I have a high regard for him. He has a tremendous amount of passion for the franchise, and I think the people are lucky to have him, lucky to have him as an owner, because (owners are) not all the same."

    5:45 PM: From The Onion: "In the deadliest clash to date in the bitter and fierce rivalry, four National League fans were reportedly killed Tuesday when vicious riots erupted at Citi Field following the 2013 MLB All-Star game."

    5:30 PM: During Wednesday's SEC Media Days, Tennessee Volunteers offensive tackle Antonio "Tiny" Richardson said about new coach Butch Jones: "I've never had a coach who texted at your random just to talk. I was thinking, 'Am I in trouble?'"


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    Monkey nation: Study confirms wealth of primates in Tanzania

    Monkey nation: Study confirms wealth of primates in Tanzania [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Jul-2013
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    Contact: Stephen Sautner
    Wildlife Conservation Society

    NEW YORK (July 17, 2013) A five-year study by the Wildlife Conservation Society gives new hope to some of the world's most endangered primates by establishing a roadmap to protect all 27 species in Tanzania the most primate-diverse country in mainland Africa.

    The study combines Tanzania's first-ever inventory of all primate species and their habitats with IUCN Red List criteria and other factors such as threats and rarity, ranking all 27 species from most vulnerable to least vulnerable. The authors then identify a network of "Priority Primate Areas" for conservation.

    The paper appears in the July 17 issue of the journal Oryx. Authors are Tim Davenport of the Wildlife Conservation Society, Katarzyna Nowak of the Udzungwa Elephant Project, and Andrew Perkin of the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group.

    A third of Tanzania's primate species are found nowhere else on earth. The study found that the most vulnerable was the kipunji, first discovered by WCS in 2003 on Mt Rungwe and described by WCS as an entirely new genus in 2006. Another extremely vulnerable species is the Zanzibar red colobus, a species whose population is currently being counted by WCS. More common species include the baboons, black and white colobus monkeys and vervets.

    The study assigned a score to pinpoint the most important areas for protection. The analysis revealed more than 60 important primate areas including national parks, game reserves, forest reserves, conservation areas, and currently unprotected landscapes. However, the adequate protection of just nine sites, including six national parks (Kilimanjaro, Kitulo, Mahale, Saadani, Udzungwa and Jozani-Chwaka Bay), one nature reserve (Kilombero) and two forest reserves (Minziro and Mgambo), totaling 8,679 square kilometers (3,350 square miles), would protect all 27 of Tanzania's primate species.

    The authors say that the Priority Primate Areas could be applied in other nations rich in wildlife but facing burgeoning pressures from population growth. This could be similar to "Important Bird Areas" a global effort to identify and conserve places that are vital to birds and other biodiversity. In fact, Tanzania's Priority Primate Areas were also often rich in bird life underscoring their value to conservation in general.

    "We believe Priority Primate Areas can be a valuable conservation tool worldwide, similar to the successful Important Bird Area concept," said the study's lead author, Tim Davenport of WCS. "For a developing nation of such global conservation importance like Tanzania, priority setting is an essential tool in managing wildlife."

    Tanzania is widely regarded as the most important country in mainland Africa for biological diversity and unique species, and contains the continent's highest mountain, deepest lakes and large parts of two globally significant biodiversity hotspots, the Eastern Afromontane and the Albertine Rift.

    However, Tanzania has the second highest rate of forest loss in sub-Saharan Africa, despite considerable conservation investment and a large amount of land nominally under protection.

    "This study has global implications as many nations grapple with reconciling their development needs with biological conservation and the needs of wildlife," said James Deutsch, WCS Executive Director for Africa Programs. "Science-based priority setting tools like this one are the best chance for developing nations to minimize biodiversity loss."


    The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild places worldwide. We do so through science, global conservation, education and the management of the world's largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship Bronx Zoo. Together these activities change attitudes towards nature and help people imagine wildlife and humans living in harmony. WCS is committed to this mission because it is essential to the integrity of life on Earth. Visit

    Special Note to the Media: If you would like to guide your readers or viewers to a Web link where they can make donations in support of helping save wildlife and wild places, please direct them to




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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

    Monkey nation: Study confirms wealth of primates in Tanzania [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Jul-2013
    [ | E-mail | Share Share ]

    Contact: Stephen Sautner
    Wildlife Conservation Society

    NEW YORK (July 17, 2013) A five-year study by the Wildlife Conservation Society gives new hope to some of the world's most endangered primates by establishing a roadmap to protect all 27 species in Tanzania the most primate-diverse country in mainland Africa.

    The study combines Tanzania's first-ever inventory of all primate species and their habitats with IUCN Red List criteria and other factors such as threats and rarity, ranking all 27 species from most vulnerable to least vulnerable. The authors then identify a network of "Priority Primate Areas" for conservation.

    The paper appears in the July 17 issue of the journal Oryx. Authors are Tim Davenport of the Wildlife Conservation Society, Katarzyna Nowak of the Udzungwa Elephant Project, and Andrew Perkin of the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group.

    A third of Tanzania's primate species are found nowhere else on earth. The study found that the most vulnerable was the kipunji, first discovered by WCS in 2003 on Mt Rungwe and described by WCS as an entirely new genus in 2006. Another extremely vulnerable species is the Zanzibar red colobus, a species whose population is currently being counted by WCS. More common species include the baboons, black and white colobus monkeys and vervets.

    The study assigned a score to pinpoint the most important areas for protection. The analysis revealed more than 60 important primate areas including national parks, game reserves, forest reserves, conservation areas, and currently unprotected landscapes. However, the adequate protection of just nine sites, including six national parks (Kilimanjaro, Kitulo, Mahale, Saadani, Udzungwa and Jozani-Chwaka Bay), one nature reserve (Kilombero) and two forest reserves (Minziro and Mgambo), totaling 8,679 square kilometers (3,350 square miles), would protect all 27 of Tanzania's primate species.

    The authors say that the Priority Primate Areas could be applied in other nations rich in wildlife but facing burgeoning pressures from population growth. This could be similar to "Important Bird Areas" a global effort to identify and conserve places that are vital to birds and other biodiversity. In fact, Tanzania's Priority Primate Areas were also often rich in bird life underscoring their value to conservation in general.

    "We believe Priority Primate Areas can be a valuable conservation tool worldwide, similar to the successful Important Bird Area concept," said the study's lead author, Tim Davenport of WCS. "For a developing nation of such global conservation importance like Tanzania, priority setting is an essential tool in managing wildlife."

    Tanzania is widely regarded as the most important country in mainland Africa for biological diversity and unique species, and contains the continent's highest mountain, deepest lakes and large parts of two globally significant biodiversity hotspots, the Eastern Afromontane and the Albertine Rift.

    However, Tanzania has the second highest rate of forest loss in sub-Saharan Africa, despite considerable conservation investment and a large amount of land nominally under protection.

    "This study has global implications as many nations grapple with reconciling their development needs with biological conservation and the needs of wildlife," said James Deutsch, WCS Executive Director for Africa Programs. "Science-based priority setting tools like this one are the best chance for developing nations to minimize biodiversity loss."


    The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild places worldwide. We do so through science, global conservation, education and the management of the world's largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship Bronx Zoo. Together these activities change attitudes towards nature and help people imagine wildlife and humans living in harmony. WCS is committed to this mission because it is essential to the integrity of life on Earth. Visit

    Special Note to the Media: If you would like to guide your readers or viewers to a Web link where they can make donations in support of helping save wildlife and wild places, please direct them to




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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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